URL2JPEG is a nifty application that allows capturing whole sites. The application will ask you for an URL of a site that you want to capture. Then, it will access it and create a JPEG capture of the whole site. The other way to do this is having a Print to PDF plug-in on your browser, so that you can go to PRINT and save the whole contents of the site into a PDF file. However, that takes considerably more time. URL2JPEG does it all from within its own GUI, which is simple and intuitive. The application will open the website internally and create a snapshot of it. The really smart thing about this application is that it will determine whether the website fits the screen or is larger than it. If your website is, say, three or four pages long, URL2JPEG will realize that and create a single JPEG snapshot of the whole site. You can even configure it to create several JPEG shots of the site. You can even tell it where to cut, how many snaps to take, and more. Also, this is a free application.